Family life is a building block of a successful society and marriage is an occasion of great joy. At Iqra masjid we can perform religious marriages which are recognized by law.

This page gives information on how to book Nikah at the Masjid.

Important Points

  • The bride or groom must reside in Edinburgh  before we will undertake Nikah ceremony
  • The Nikah organisers reserve the right to refuse Nikah without reason on behalf of the Masjid .This is unlikely to occur if you follow the correct procedures for completing the application form accurately and providing any further information as and when requested.
  • The Nikah ceremony is a very important step in one’s life and as such the Masjid places a great deal of importance on ensuring that this pious act is with the approval of parents and/or next of kin.
  • We recommend that Nikah is booked at least 3 weeks prior to the planned date.

We need the following information before Nikah can be conducted together with a fully completed nikkah application form:

  1. Civil Marriage Certificate – Masjid  will not issue a Nikah Certificate unless the original Civil Marriage Certificate is produced to the person in charge.
  2. Date of Nikah
  3. Preferred Time – Masjid  will do their utmost to meet preferred times, however, there will be occasions when this may not be possible.
  4. Birth Certificates – For the Bride and Bridegroom. If names have changed the Original copy of the Deed Poll.
  5. Divorcees – Decree Absolute & Talaq Documents in accordance with Islamic Sharia.
  6. Widow/Widower – Former spouses death certificate.

For those who are looking to do Nikah  please contact the Imam for further information. And you can download the nikah form and bring it with you

Nikah booking form